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Inform your search with Badges

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The search for the perfect venue often means scouring the internet to find what’s new or popular to most impress your guests. With new venues opening constantly, it’s difficult to keep track of which ones are actually buzz-worthy and what everyone’s saying about them. The Vendry’s newest feature, Badges, allows event planners to filter their venue search experience to what’s new, notable, or in the press.

With Badges, event pros can remove the guesswork from their venue search. Any business that is New, Trending, or has Accolades will now be tagged with a Badge to signify its status so you can be better informed about the venues you’re choosing. 

Filter your search

You can now filter your venue search to only see businesses that are tagged New, Trending, and/or Acclaimed.

Gif of venue search with Badges filtered

Know what’s New and Trending

Any business that is newly opened will be marked with a New Badge and any business that has received recent press coverage from multiple sources in IndustryIQ will receive a Trending badge.

Gif of venue search to see New and Trending Badges

Learn which venues are Acclaimed

Venues that have received high ratings and awards from reputable sources will be tagged with an Acclaimed Badge. Accolades include The Michelin Guide, The New York Times, James Beard Awards, and more.

Gif of venue search to see venues with Acclaimed Badges

Start your venue search today with Badges: 

With more than 15,000 venues and vendors in our database, Vendry Pro users can now view venue Badges to learn which businesses are new, noteworthy, and featured in IndustryIQ. To learn more, you can reach out to schedule a demo and start a free trial today.

Are you a venue or vendor interested in getting listed on The Vendry? Add your business for free.

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