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The Vendry Announces New Health and Safety Requirements


This past summer we saw the event floodgates open as vaccination rates climbed. Companies revisited their Q3 and Q4 event calendars and quickly started planning to host employees and customers in-person. 

Then came Delta, which has made the events industry step back once again and ask the question -- how do we gather?

Our answer in March 2020 was to pivot to virtual, but we now know that thanks to vaccines and other health and safety advancements made over the past year and a half, it’s possible to gather safely in-person. In fact, according to research from Freeman, your risk of catching Covid-19 at an in-person event is about eight times lower than your risk of infection from going to the local grocery store. 

But in order to host live events, it’s critical that planners and suppliers can easily exchange health and safety information with one another, creating alliances that have similar strategies and philosophies around how to gather. 

To help planners meet these new and evolving sourcing challenges, The Vendry is proud to announce new health and safety features for planners who use our RFP tool

-Daphne HoppenotCEO and Founder of The Vendry

RFP health and safety requirements

Screenshot of The Vendry website Event safety information

Keeping each other safe 

Now, any time a vendor or venue responds to an RFP on The Vendry, they will be required to share three key pieces of information with their prospective client: 

  1. Is all their staff vaccinated? 
  2. Do they require all event attendees be vaccinated?
  3. What is their general health & safety policy? 

For live events to come back quickly and, most importantly, safely, we believe this kind of transparency with one another is key.

Finding your event partners 

Are you planning an in-person event for your company? We can help you source the best agencies, vendors, and venues for your event here.

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