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Watch Now: How To Find Event Tech For Your Next Virtual Event


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Between Zoom fatigue and the feeling that a new virtual event platform is popping up every day, it's no wonder many event planners are suffering from decision paralysis. On Friday October 23rd, three industry experts joined us to cover how to find the event tech that best suits your needs.

From what pitfalls you should be sure to avoid to their recommended tools and platforms, Tess Vismale, Liron David, and Mahoganey Jones walk through it all. They share their own virtual event case studies and cover the hardest things about producing virtual events. Plus, they tell us when they recommend clients use Zoom for their virtual event and when they should pick another platform, and share how they determine if a new event tech tool is legit. Watch the replay of the event below.


Tess Vismale, iSocialX

Liron David, Eventique

Mahoganey Jones, Event Specialists

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