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Know What to Expect with Response Times

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Planners today are finding themselves producing more events with shorter lead times. So when it comes to sourcing venues and vendors, they need to know who they can rely on. Starting today, planners can look for Response Times on The Vendry to instantly identify businesses that have historically been quick and consistent in responding to planners. 

See suppliers with a track record 

Look for green Response Times icons in the venues or vendors marketplace, on business profiles, and while issuing an RFP. These icons rely on data collected from past interactions on The Vendry to highlight businesses who are most engaged, so planners can reduce uncertainty in their planning and outreach processes.

Plan on a tight timeline 

Hover over the Response Times on a business preview, or view beside the icon on business profiles, to see the average time a business takes to respond. When planning in a pinch, look for businesses with especially fast averages to get quick answers.

RFP with The Vendry Pro

Response Times aren't the only feature that will expedite your venue and vendor sourcing process. With The Vendry Pro, you can write one Request for Proposal and issue it to as many venues and vendors as you like, so you can centralize your planning process all in one place. Starting today, you can rely on Response Times to guide that process!

Are you a venue or vendor interested in getting listed on The Vendry? Add your business for free.

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