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Top Pros: Liron David Reveals How His Team Creates Showstopping Events


Liron is the award winning founder of Eventique, a nationally recognized special event planning and production design agency, operating globally from Eventique’s headquarters in Manhattan. He masterminds cutting-edge and classic events for A-list clientele, including Fortune 500 corporations, global non-profit organizations, international fashion labels, entrepreneurs, socialites, executives, celebrities, parents, and professional athletes.

The Vendry's Chloé Brown sat down with Liron David to discuss his path to the events industry and his key takeaways thus far.

Dreamverse NFT Arts Festival

Chloé: Thank you so much Liron for speaking with us! So let's start from the beginning. How did you wind up in the events industry?

Liron: I was a nightclub DJ in college and transitioned that into helping with all planning aspects while still DJing and MCing the club's events. I realized quickly that that was the right role for me.

Chloé: What recent changes in the events industry have you been most excited to see happening? Are there any that disappoint you?

Liron: The most exciting thing would be the collaboration between agencies and all types of event providers becoming more efficient and integrated. One thing that is less than ideal is the lack of understanding when it comes to last minute requests, given the challenges faced by the industry.

Chloé: From your own experience and learnings, what advice would you pass on to people interested in entering the events industry?

Liron: Take every opportunity to work in every capacity and role within the event industry to learn how every department functions. This will help you navigate the right type of position that inspires you. I would also say it's important to understand the demanding pace and requirements needed to be successful in this industry.

Chloé: Producing events is a stressful job. How do you stay balanced or navigate the highs and lows?

Liron: Stress is an emotion. Our job is to execute according to a plan. We focus on appreciating the inspiring and meaningful moments and impact we create for the audiences around us. When we truly are "present" and celebrate these moments, it allows us to carry this positive energy into the more demanding and challenging times and gives us the strength and focus to overcome the stress of normal human beings. We are warriors with a mission; nothing will stop us from seeing our vision and mission be successful. Always celebrate the wins, whether big or small. This is the way we at Eventique stay balanced.

Liron David at an event wearing a headset
Photo provided by Eventique

Chloé: Is there anything that stands out or is different about your event planning process?

Liron: We don't settle. We continuously challenge ourselves to create innovation in every part of the storyline of the event and spend countless hours thinking through how we appeal to all the senses of our audience. We also get into the ditches of all the services we provide as opposed to outsourcing and hoping others "get it". We also plan for events to have an epic moment that happens at one point in the run of show — a moment that can only be experienced by the guests or attendees. A moment that can never be recreated again. This is a moment that creates memories for a lifetime and keep our clients coming back for more!

Chloé: What event are you most proud of and where was it held?

Liron: In 2018, my team and I planned an event in Las Vegas that made the Guinness Book of World Records. It all started when our client, the consumer goods company, Reckitt Benckiser (RB), asked us for help with their annual sales and marketing conference. RB had a big ask. They wanted to inspire their sales and marketing teams to go out and break every sales record the company had. They sat down with us and said, “How can we unite 500 employees from around the country and make sure they leave our conference driven by our purpose?” We came up with a brilliant idea. We figured, what better way to inspire the team to break records than by helping them actually break a record during the conference?

RB loved the concept. We quickly kicked off a quest to find the perfect record to break. RB is a purpose-driven company, so we knew the record had to be meaningful. We also wanted it to add value to the community where the event took place. After a lot of brainstorming with the Guinness World Records in-house creative agency, The Records Lab, we had it! We would bring the sales and marketing teams together to break the record for most backpacks stuffed with school supplies in one hour. Then, we’d donate the backpacks to the local Andre Agassi Foundation and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America for kids without the means to buy their own school supplies. The wheels were in motion. To prepare for the conference, my team ordered palettes of notebooks, calculators, pencils, pens, and other essentials. We bought more than 1,000 backpacks in a rainbow of colors, then flew to Las Vegas to prepare for the spectacle. The energy on the blacktop when the record broke was incredible!

Chloé: What's a far-out idea you once pitched a client and had them say "ok let's do it"?

Liron: Once, our team masterminded a corporate event with the theme “Dream, Dare, Deliver.” It was part of a conference meant to encourage our client’s team to be bold and break barriers as they brainstormed new business strategies. For the closing reception, we planned a night of over-the-top, circus-meets-Survivor-style experiences. Attendees watched as a performer strapped their partner to an oversized wheel, gave the wheel a spin, and let loose a barrage of axes. They whistled through the air, embedding themselves in the wood and barely missing her body. The next performer reclined on a bed of nails and invited an employee from the audience to break a cement block over his chest. The food was as bold and daring as the entertainment. Instead of bar nuts, guests snacked on flavored crickets alongside their drinks. On stage, they competed by eating scorpions and chasing them with tequila shots. The atmosphere was electric. Every employee left that night feeling fired up, unstoppable, and one hundred percent alive.

Chloé: How have the last few years forever changed your organization or your role as an event producer?

Liron: The last few years have given us the opportunity to challenge our skillsets to the max by having to rethink how we operate, who our audience is, what will be most meaningful and inspiring to them, where the event experience should be produced and why we are proposing the plan we have based on vision, goals, and costs. We now have the ultimate appreciation and trust for and in our teammates and partners to be able to always exceed expectations and overcome any challenge we face with confidence and poise.

Chloé: Eventique has had its hands in some pretty notable brands' events. What are some of the most successful brand partnerships and relationships you've had?

Liron: We have partnered to execute award winning work for Variety, The Humane Society of the United States, TikTok, Reckitt Benckiser, and Sephora.

The Humane Society 2019 Gala
The Humane Society to the Rescue! 2019 Gala

Chloé: What is it about your work that is disruptive or shaking things up in the industry?

Liron: I am always pushing my team to think different and always ask why when it comes to concept creation and execution. We collaborate internally in a very inclusive way and use technology as an underlying form to create sustainable impact and bring the client's vision to life. We are not afraid of incorporating new elements together that have never been experienced. We manage risk and plan for excellence in execution. This gives us the edge our clients are looking for.

Chloé: Do you have any sayings you live by? Can you share how they are relevant to you in your life?

Liron: Carpe Diem. Seize the day. I celebrate my life everyday as if it were my last and always push positive energy, kindness, and mindfulness into all my surroundings. This vibe is what I believe ensures my entire team is one big family. A family that our client's ask to be welcomed into!

How can our readers follow you online?

Instagram: @eventiqueaffair

Website: www.eventique.com

Portfolio: The Vendry

Want to know who/where Liron sources for his events? Check out his lists made on The Vendry and discover some of his favorite venues and vendors!

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